This research nexus promotes health and wellness through groundbreaking fundamental, multidisciplinary, and translational researches.
Major focus areas are precision health, biotechnology, life sciences, natural products, pharmaceuticals and clinical research.
Other research areas include cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, occupational safety, rehabilitative, sports and musical therapy which are all geared towards improving and sustaining good quality of life.
Major focus areas are precision health, biotechnology, life sciences, natural products, pharmaceuticals and clinical research.
Other research areas include cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, occupational safety, rehabilitative, sports and musical therapy which are all geared towards improving and sustaining good quality of life.

Deputy Director of Health & WellnessASSOC. PROF. DR AKEHSAN HAJI DAHLAN

Coordinator of Health & WellnessDR NOOR AZLIYANA AZIZAN